import 1 min icon slider Parallel Import Your trusted partner cert clinical trail min min icon slider Clinical Trial Supply Simplify and Streamline European Medicine Procurement cert export icon slider Export Your partner in sourcing EU manufactured medicines cert


We are a licensed pharmaceutical wholesalers in Europe.

Parallel Import

Our services facilitate the exchange of pharmaceutical products across Europe.

Clinical Trial Supply

We specialize in facilitating the sourcing of clinical trial supplies, reference listed drugs, and comparators.

Why Symbio?

Symbio Farma is a rapidly expanding licensed pharmaceutical wholesaler operating across Europe from Netherlands. We provide an efficient and reliable pharmaceutical distribution service to pharmacies, clinics and hospitals. We recognise the demand for competitively priced specialist products thus focus our efforts on consistently delivering a wide range of products to our customers. This means you can concentrate on your core business and be confident that we deliver your specialist pharmaceutical goods. We pride ourselves on the reliability of our service and we also understand the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Symbio Farma is a very reliable source for quality pharmaceutical products, at very competitive prices and that is in essence what Symbio Farma is all about.

Our Services

Symbio Farma source quality branded and generic pharmaceuticals goods from bona fide manufacturers and suppliers. Symbio Farma sources both locally and across Europe to benefit from parallel imported products to offer our customers more competitively priced products.


Symbio Farma deals with the import/export and distribution of all types of pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products.

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What Makes Us Different?

Symbio Farma offers approved pharmaceutical wholesalers access to European pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products. Our international team travel Europe to find the best products available at the best price. Symbio Farma relies on a modern integrated management software package, providing full product traceability in compliance with applicable Good Distribution Practices. Our team’s experience allows us to continue innovating and changing based on a shifting marketplace. We believe in wholesaling to improve availability and accessibility to drugs, reduce drug costs around Europe and raise the standards in the supply chain. We ensure we are continually evaluating our service we provide and listen to our customers to provide an exceptional service.

Symbio Farma is seeking to put the customer first and to provide a positive experience. With many years of industry experience, we have put together a simple yet effective business to ensure we meet our customer needs.


Our team and resources allow us to provide our customers those pharmaceutical products that are difficult to obtain which include both branded and generic products.


Symbio Farma is a very reliable source for quality pharmaceutical products, at very competitive prices and that is in essence what Symbio Farma is all about.


We strongly believe in having qualified personnel in our team to support our customers. Our team comprises of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and executives from the pharmaceutical industry


Symbio Farma is committed to providing our customers quality products at the best possible price, delivered when the customer wants.


Our logistics provide a seamless flow of pharmaceutical goods reaching our clients in a timely manner to meet their requirements. We have a team of experts who have experience and professional expertise in this field and they are committed to delivery your goods in a timely and reliable manner. Our pharmaceutical distribution serves the whole of Europe and our logistical expertise, knowledge and supply chain specialists allow us to deliver your products safely, securely and always on time. Our distribution channels provide maximum efficiency routes that reduce both time and cost. Here at Symbio Farma we can store and distribute products within 2-8 ºC, ensuring that products of this nature are controlled and monitored within the supply chain. We use vehicles that provide constant temperature monitoring to ensure your products are distributed safely. For more information regarding our logistics processes please email

Regulation & Safety

We have highly effective and stringent Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to comply with GDP standards, regulated by the National Medicines Authority. We monitor the procedures through regular audits, to ensure Government regulations are adhered to and maintain quality and efficiency in handling pharmaceutical products at all stages. We work with likeminded partners across Europe to source and supply goods to meet the requirements of the European market. We offer controlled storage of medicinal products in accordance with Good Distribution Practice (GDP) standards and have a fitted walk-in cold room where controlled goods are kept at required temperatures, in line with Summary Product Characteristics (SPC) of the product.

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